Monday, August 22, 2011

A Case of the Monday's

In the past I have joked about having what every professional knows to be "a case of the Monday's." I realize that in the past it was only a joke, but today it is reality. Waking up this morning was the official ending to quite possibly the finest weekend I have had in New York... excuse me, with New York.

The weekend started when Mr. Kansas City himself arrived and we had a romantic dinner at The Corner Bistro, located in the heart of the West Village. The weekend continued with lunch at the infamous Katz's Deli, where every woman hopes to have what Sally had. Well I had a beer a Knoblewurst, and my Harry. It was perfection only to be out done by our dinner at Per Se. Frankly, there are no words to describe that experience, divine comes close but no cigar. Although, I did experience a minor heart attack Mr. KC sat down, taking the crystal steam-wear with him. To avoid bragging about my weekend, because honestly, who really cares, the weekend involved an incredible going away party, where tears were avoided, a touch of New York history with a visit to the LES's Tenement Museum, and finally the Jet's game.

I think the most astonishing and important part of the weekend, was that for the first time since I can remember I saw New York and Mr. Kansas City through the right colored glasses. They weren't rosy all the time, nor were they totally clear, but they were reflecting some beautiful people, sights, and sounds.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New York... It's not you it's me

Wow... over a year ago I started this blog to document my relationship with New York. Now the time has come where that relationship will come to an end. New York and I will be the Ex's that stay friends and see each other now as we should have seen each other from the get go.

My next few blogs will discuss this break up and reminisce about it all. The night of the Country Music star, the night trying to be funny with the Kings James of comedy, and each and every street I walked down bawling my eyes out.

The blog starts with the most meaningful relationship of all... The Empire State Building.